Dakin Spain
Senior Project Developer
Direct #678-428-9783

Dakin Spain is a Senior Project Developer for Renewable Properties. As a Senior Project Developer, Dakin’s responsibilities include site origination and project permitting in the Northeast, Southeast and West Coast markets. 

Dakin has been in the solar energy industry for over 12 years and joined Renewable Properties full-time in 2022. Prior to joining the team Dakin developed small utility-scale and “behind the meter” solar projects for his own small development business, Office of Solar Development, LLC (SolDev), of which he started in 2014.  Prior to SolDev, Dakin worked with Atlanta, GA. based EPC, Radiance Solar, where he led their commercial and small utility scale development efforts. With a rich business development history and vast understanding of each part of the solar business, Dakin is an experienced developer who knows what it takes to get challenging deals across the finish line. 

Dakin earned his Bachelors of Arts and Science’s from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2007.